湾流G550湾流G550是世界上用途最广的喷气公务机,长达96英尺长的机身能够从一条3500英尺长的跑道上起飞。G550配备有2台推进力各自高达15,000磅的劳斯莱斯BR710型高级引擎,带着足够的燃油,连续飞行世界公务机的最大允许航行距离 —— 6,750海里。 G550提供了宽敞的空间和舒适的环境,机舱内分4个分区、三个温度区域,中段座舱隔板,可将厨房及卫生间选装在机头或者机尾。机舱内的空气净化系统为乘客提供100%的新鲜空气,14个大型椭圆窗户让乘客充分享受阳光。
The Gulfstream G550® large-cabin, ultra-long range business jet turned heads right from the start. Less than two weeks after it entered service, a G550 flew nonstop from Seoul, South Korea, to Orlando, Fla., covering the 7,301 nautical mile (13,521 km) distance in 14.5 hours and setting a city pair record. In fact, it would go on to establish 40 city-pair records in its first five years of service.